MIG/MAG: Welding with automatic wire feed. MIG welding uses argon (less commonly helium) as shielding gas and is preferred for non-ferrous metals and stainless steel. The MAG processuses CO2 or a mixed gas of argon, CO2 and O2 as shielding gas and is mainly used for simple and low-alloy steel such as structural steel.
- Settings according to wire thickness:If the wire thickness (0.6 | 0.8 | 1) is set, a preset current (A) and wire feed speed based on the selected wire thickness are displayed. Here amperes are coupled to volts.
- In SPL (Separated Parameter Level) mode, amps, volts, and wire feed speed can be set independently. The wire feed speed can be controlled by volts: higher volts result in slower wire feed, lower volts accelerate the wire feed. This is a great advantage when a customized setting is required. Using the job memory, the settings can be saved and easily reused at a later time.
Inductance:The unit has a continuously adjustable choke. This smoothes the welding current and changes the rate of current rise to improve weld quality and precision.
2cycle/4cycle (MIG/MAG and TIG)
MMA/STICK/E-HAND:coated electrodes are used - in this process, the electrodes are arc carrier and filler metal in one.
Hotstart:overcurrent is provided each time the welder is restarted, thus assisting the ignition of the arc.
ArcForce: molten material is more easily transferred to the workpiece, preventing the arc from being extinguished if this material causes contact between the electrode and the molten pool.
Anti-stickautomatically shuts off the welding generator when the electrode sticks to the workpiece and must be removed by hand without damaging the electrode clamp.
DC TIG welding(optional: only possible with additional hose package and cables): Welding of almost all metals.
LiftArc: Ignition occurs on contact with the workpiece, then the torch can be lifted and welding starts with the selected parameters.
modern IGBT(InsulatedGate Bipolar Transistor) enables fast and therefore low-loss switching of electrical currents.
- Job memory: with the help of memory locations, work sequences can be stored and reused at a later time.
Overheating protection
Welding wire & filler wire: Milano 1600 can be used with Welding wire (& welding gas added) as well as with no gas filler wire.