AC/DCWIG:Welding ofall weldable metals including aluminum.
AdjustableAC output frequency allows operator to focus arc to minimize heat affected zone.
AdvancedAC balance control helps maintain a pointed tungsten needle to precisely control the arc in the weld joint.
Pulse function: inPulse welding, the welding current alternates between output and peak current at the desired frequency. The longer the intervals, the less energy and heat is supplied to the workpiece.
2cycle/ 4cycle
MMA/Electrodes/Stick : coated electrodes are used - in this process, the electrodes are arc carrier and filler metal in one.
Hotstart: overcurrent is provided each time the welder is restarted, thus supporting the ignition of the arc.
Arc-Force: molten material is more easily transferred to the workpiece, preventing the arc from being extinguished if this material causes contact between the electrode and the molten pool .
Anti-stick: automatically switches off the welding generator if the electrode sticks to the workpiece and has to be removed manually without damaging the electrode clamp.
9Memory locations forindividual setting of welding parameters.